How to recover after drinking alcohol?

Good drinks that contain ethanol will not harm the human body if consumed in small doses. Alcohol in moderation – prevention for the cardiovascular system, reducing the risk of coronary heart disease. After a few glasses, the mood rises, the metabolism increases. Even pregnant women are recommended by doctors to occasionally consume a spoonful of red wine to increase hemoglobin. Also, scientists have proven that drinking in moderation is still useful in order to improve health, increase longevity. An excess of alcohol leads to serious ailments and the next morning you will have to solve a key question: how to recover after drinking alcohol.

Drinking a lot – harm health

The human body rarely suffers after drinking one or two glasses of high-quality alcohol. After the amount drunk, alcohol does not spoil the face, does not harm, but on the contrary strengthens all vital systems, and the person does not torment himself with the question: has he drunk too much or is this a common malaise. Poisoning, feeling unwell – all this will not happen.

Even William Shakespeare in the poem “Lucretia” has such lines “In grains, poison is not fatal to the body,” and alcohol in this vein plays precisely this role. Quickly recovering from a one-day drunkenness (an hour or two), in principle, is not difficult. But, it is mildly intoxicated. Below is a list of manipulations of what to do if a person drank alcohol in the evening, but in large quantities, that is, when there is moderate intoxication, not associated with binge. You will have to treat yourself quickly and in the following way, if the person is not very drunk.  

To move away, relieve, improve well-being, eliminate dry forest, headache, help yourself – this will require elementary actions.

  • In the morning, massage your face with your hands (cheeks, temples, forehead).
  • If you feel sick, drink as much water as possible and go to empty your stomach.
  • Next, take a cool shower. It will invigorate and tune the body to a business-like mood.
  • Apply ice, a wet towel to your forehead and lie down for about an hour.
  • Have a hearty breakfast. Naturally, after alcoholic outpourings, I don’t really want to eat. However, this is the very case when for yourself, an abundance of calories will be useful. Sweet tea with lemon or mineral water helps to eat in this vein.
  • If you suffer from severe migraines, take pain relievers (Mexidol, Citramon) or their analogues.
  • Take aspirin. It thins the blood and makes you feel better.
  • When the state of health improves, it is advisable to walk for an hour in the fresh air, where there is a lot of green space. Oxygen will enrich the blood after drinking, and partially restore the supply of energy.

All these actions can bring body systems back to normal, move away from minor poisoning with ethanol products.

As if he hadn’t been drinking

Alcohol is dangerous because it equally badly and destructively affects the body of any person. Teenage alcoholism has a scary face. In young people under the age of 18, vital systems have not yet fully formed. Ethanol in this vein will not only slow down their growth, but also disrupt, in the future, the logical chain.

Non-acceptance by the younger generation of generally accepted norms, promiscuity, ignorance of obvious facts leads to the development of alcoholism at the stage of growing up. It is very important here to show and prove to a young man who has begun to drink alcohol every day, what seemingly harmless alcoholic cocktails and other non-harmless drinks, to which he managed to become addicted, will turn out for him.

The insidiousness of alcohol lies in the fact that a young organism does not suffer from those terrible consequences that are so familiar to an alcoholic with experience. Even after many days of drinking, if a young man has drunk, he will not experience difficult conditions, and questions of what to do will not come to mind:

  • How to quickly cheer yourself up, get rid of the “helicopters”.
  • Very bad and a headache, what to drink or eat in order to survive.
  • How much water to drink from dry wood.
  • Do I need to eat well to relieve withdrawal symptoms?
  • How to bring yourself back to normal.

The overwhelming majority of young people have a very strong body. They are still unfamiliar with the terrible sensations after prolonged drinking, which poison the lives of complete alcoholics and send their good half to the next world. The opinion about safe drinking (as they think it is) is imperceptibly integrated into the basis of the formation of persistent alcoholism.

And really, why be afraid when in the morning after an alcoholic party that lasts not an hour, but much longer, it is enough to rinse your face and be a cucumber again. The misconception that there is no danger from alcohol is key and poses a major threat.

Naivety is a friend of alcoholism

Gradually, such a young man simplifies the question of what to do, how to put the body in order, does not pay attention to the comments of relatives that he is gradually becoming different. His face changes a lot, his appearance is transformed into an adult man. He does not consider an hour of gatherings with alcohol in a bar a crime, and after a friendly party, in the morning, he still does not realize that he is a novice alcoholic, and does not think about the fact that he drank yesterday. It is not difficult for him to tidy up the state. He feels that he has not drunk, he is not bad, and he is able to quickly restore health at home.

But, after 5-7 years of such a life, he, day after day, understands that it is getting harder and harder to relieve his condition after a large portion of alcohol. The body does not get younger over the years, and alcohol dependence increases. Based on this, the post-alcoholic state of a young man, intoxication, manifests itself more clearly than several years ago, and it is extremely difficult to come to a normal state.

Ultimately, hard times await the young man. In the future, he will not be able to imagine himself without alcohol, and the alcohol consumption curve will only steadily rush up.

Almost all drunken men and women started like that. There is no person on earth who, in a few days, would turn into a complete drunkard. Alcohol destroys its victims in two ways: time and quantity, with the former being a priority. That is where its danger lies.

By the age of forty, such a person, as a rule, can no longer cope with the consequences of withdrawal symptoms at home. In the body, the general order is disrupted: the failure of all systems, and especially the cardiovascular system, a change in complexion, the skin begins to look bad, and the question of how to get away is no longer solved with the help of a regular first-aid kit.

The weaker sex gets drunk faster

Female alcoholism, like teenage alcoholism, has a scary face. If the fairer sex is addicted to hard drinking, she has similar problems. An hour of drinking, she does not consider it a tragedy. She feels good, especially since you can come to this state very quickly. To move away at home, to return to a normal state after a booze, will not work quickly. The face looks constantly swollen.

Further, after all, she has a poor idea of ​​what to do, how to alleviate, normalize her health, how to improve her body. In this regard, the patient has a question: how to get away at home, treat, survive a hangover and what to do. Of course, you won’t be able to regain your well-being in one hour. In a few months, a drinking woman can sink to the bottom of a social society, and she herself will not even guess how quickly she fell so.

For a strong half of humanity, the picture looks no better. If a male person drinks for a long time and binges, his face turns into a sluggish dried fruit, and the muscles of the body atrophy. If you treat prolonged drinking at home, you will need iron willpower and a wagon of patience.

When a person has not just drunk, but has brought his body to a state of exhaustion, it will not be possible to quickly get out of the binge. Here you need to determine the order of actions and come to a common denominator. Here’s what to do first. That is, to establish themselves in the desire to quit drinking, to be treated using complex measures, including, possibly, hospitalization in a hospital. Only by gathering will in a fist, you can move away from the booze, and not get into a new booze. 

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