Signs of alcohol addiction

Alcoholism is a serious disease that not only deprives a person of health, but also destroys his personality. Thousands of people die every year from drunkenness in our country. It affects both men and women. To prevent the global spread of the disease, you should pay attention to the first symptoms. It is sometimes difficult for the addict himself to do this, so relatives and friends should treat the problem with great attention. Signs of alcoholism are very noticeable, they cannot be confused with another disease.

The first signs of alcoholism in men

Signs of alcohol addiction in men are as follows:

  • Often drinks with the company and begins to use various alcoholic beverages on his own;
  • The desire to drink becomes irresistible, the man loses interest in other activities, recreation, does not want to spend time with his family;
  • There are absenteeism at work;
  • The amount of alcohol consumed is on the rise;
  • The hangover is quite severe, after a stormy evening, a severe headache and a general deterioration in well-being overcome;
  • Dependence on alcohol acquires a psychological character – if there is no drinking, then the mood disappears, aggression appears, in the presence of alcohol the situation immediately changes, the man becomes more cheerful;
  • The protective reactions of the body are clearly reduced – after drinking there is no nausea and vomiting, but they appear after eating.

The addict can hide his addiction for a long time, but usually at the festive table, his behavior betrays him. At the mention of alcoholic beverages, or if the alcoholic sees them, he begins to have a clear animation, an involuntary smile, he often swallows saliva and licks his lips. After taking the first dose, salivation increases, mood improves, and excessive talkativeness appears. The man does not admit his alcohol addiction and is furiously angry at any conversation about it.

The first signs of alcoholism in women

Symptoms of female addiction are similar to male addiction, but have some differences. The first sign of alcoholism in a woman is isolation, depressive moods, apathy and loss of interest in the family. This problem in women is more difficult to detect, because. they try to hide their addiction from their relatives, they use it alone. Initially, this is a quiet latent period. But attentive family members will notice the woman’s detachment, possible outbursts of aggression, excessive tearfulness, lack of interest in anything in life.

It is also worth paying attention to the appearance of a woman – she changes faster in her than in a man. Regular swelling and bags under the eyes may indicate a problem. Also, the addict stops taking care of herself, she does not care about untidiness and careless appearance. The family should be alerted by the fact of drinking alone – a woman can start with a bottle of wine in the evenings, then the drinks get stronger and their dose increases. With any attempts to talk about the problem, the addict begins to show aggression, vigorously denies the accusations of the disease.

The first signs of alcoholism in children

It is very important to notice the first signs of alcoholism in children in time. Because alcohol with increased speed destroys the fragile organism. Initial symptoms include:

  1. Decrease in mental abilities, memory, logical thinking;
  2. Increased aggression, irritability, frequent depression and apathy;
  3. Increase in body temperature and blood pressure;
  4. Decreased levels of white blood cells and blood glucose;
  5. Truancy at school, coming home late, traces of beatings.

The child loses interest in the surrounding reality, more and more nervous breakdowns occur. An addicted teenager can run away from home, engage in hooliganism and theft, and end up in police stations.

External changes in the presence of alcoholism

In addition to the described signs, the alcoholic also undergoes changes in appearance. Due to the lack of attention to themselves, the addict himself may not notice them. But relatives can detect the following external signs of an alcoholic in a loved one:

  • Voice change – hoarseness and muffledness appear;
  • The skin sags and becomes puffy;
  • Hands tremble;
  • The fingers are twisted and have, as it were, a shorter appearance; sometimes, alcohol addicts cannot fully open their limb;
  • Eye sclera, skin and nail plates acquire an icteric color – this indicates liver disorders;
  • Spider veins appear on the face and neck;
  • The eyes are almost always swollen and swollen.

Pre alcoholism. Craving for alcohol is weakly expressed. But more and more often there are positive reactions to the offer to drink. There are feelings of relaxation and relief. It seems to the addict that it was provoked by the holiday, the surrounding people, but in fact this gambling mood gives alcohol. Over time, the dosage of alcohol increases, which leads to an increase in alcohol tolerance.

prodromal stage. Also called stage zero alcoholism. In this phase, amnesia appears, i.e. in the morning the patient cannot remember some fragments of yesterday’s feast. Attempts to hide their predilection for fear of condemnation by relatives are already possible. It is also characterized by an increased preoccupation with alcohol – the addict shows careful prudence in preparing a future drinking bout. He chooses those companies where there will be more booze, if there is not enough money to participate in the party, he can refuse it and drink on his own. At the same time, intolerance takes place, the alcoholic wants to drink more quickly and more, and after a feast, during periods of sobriety, he is acutely overcome by guilt.

Stages of alcoholism

First stage . Alcohol is used for a specific purpose. Any annoying situation becomes a reason to relax with a glass. The addict often looks for reasons for drinking, it comes to the fore, signs of alcoholism on the face. A constant alternation of aggressive behavior with remorse begins, the patient often blames others for his problem.

The illusion is created that the addict is in control of his desire to drink, but this leads to the search for new ways of drinking. There is a degradation in the social sphere – the family and work are lost. The alcoholic begins to make stocks of money or alcohol, the so-called “stash”. Morning consumption is not uncommon, i.e. hangover , the quality and quantity of food consumed decreases, the constant search for excuses for their negative behavior.

Second stage . Signs of alcohol addiction are pronounced. The need for more alcohol is growing every day. Control is completely absent. In the morning, severe malaise leads to the indispensable additional use of booze. Drinking is already frequent. If the addict abruptly refuses alcohol, he has delirium tremens. All life and interests are limited to finding a dose of ethyl alcohol and rare communication with drinking buddies.

Third stage . It occurs after 10-20 years of regular use, has the character of chronic dependence. An alcoholic gets drunk even after a small dose of alcohol, drinks in the morning, during the day and not infrequently at night. At this stage, clouding of consciousness appears, frequent memory lapses. Various body systems constantly fail. Alcohol is rapidly degrading. If nothing changes in the life of an addict, he dies in 7-10 years.


If you have found some signs of alcohol addiction in yourself or your family and friends, then do not remain indifferent. Alcohol ranks 5th on the list of the most dangerous drugs. Don’t give him a chance to beat you or your family member. Take care of yourself and be attentive to your loved ones.

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