Vomiting after alcohol with blood

About 80% of people suffer from stormy festivities, to one degree or another. Abundant drinking libations sometimes threaten with serious consequences. One of the warning symptoms is vomiting blood after alcohol, which usually requires medical supervision. Why does it occur and how to respond?

Why do you feel sick after alcohol?

The ability to self-regulate by nature is very strong in our body. Excessive use of a strong intoxicant causes a person to sweat, dizziness, or he begins to feel sick and vomit, which is explained by the protective reaction of internal systems. The fact is that alcohol is regarded as a toxic substance, therefore the unconditioned rejection reflex is the same as in case of poisoning.

The liver is responsible for removing toxins. By her efforts, the alcoholic drink that has got inside is broken down, first turning into acetaldehyde, then into acetate (acetic acid). The more productive liver enzymes work, the faster it happens. The alcohol present in a glass of beer should be “utilized” in less than an hour.

But where do the unpleasant symptoms come from? It all depends on the dose taken. When there is already an excess of heavy elements in the blood that the body cannot cope with, intoxication begins. Then a signal is sent from the brain to the stomach to immediately get rid of suspicious contents.

And you don’t have to be drunk to feel bad. Even a drunk for the first time can feel as bad for several hours as someone who regularly “takes a bottle”. However, if simple vomiting or vomiting of bile after alcohol is considered an “act of purification”, then the admixture of blood in the vomit is by no means the norm and requires a mandatory clarification of the cause.

What to do if you vomit bile?

First, you should know that it is forbidden to take anti-nausea drugs (in any case, at the beginning). This inhibits the natural process of getting rid of toxins, and the harm from drinking becomes more palpable. Secondly, if you feel sick from a hangover and vomiting is about to begin, you can’t fall asleep. Why? In a supine position, an intoxicated person is able to choke.

When the stomach is already empty and vomits with bile, it means that the gallbladder contracts, the load on the liver and pancreas decreases. After 2-3 vomiting and the release of bile, significant relief usually occurs.

But, if you have been vomiting bile for a long time, then it is recommended to take cerucal or slowly, drink rehydron on a spoon in half an hour . The latter will establish a water-salt balance and prevent dehydration. Means number 1 is also considered activated carbon. It is permissible to swallow a lot: 10, 20 or 30 tablets, depending on the individual weight and severity of symptoms. At the same time, they give to drink plain, not mineral water.

Aspirin after alcohol (which is considered a proven recipe for “illness”) is taken no earlier than after 7 hours. Food is offered only when the condition is completely stabilized. It should be slightly warm, dietary, given the irritation and possible injury to the internal organs. If, nevertheless, the combination of signs causes concern, you can go to an appointment with a gastroenterologist.

Causes of vomiting blood. Dangerous states

According to the observations of medical practice, the cause of bloody traces can be:

  • throat bleeding, often due to a crack in the esophagus;
  • acute gastritis, gastric or duodenal ulcer;
  • the systematic intake of alcohol, leading to the fact that the stomach is chronically irritated, works to the limit and wears out over time;
  • with varicose veins of the gastric mucosa, due to a burst vessel;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • damage to the esophagus (ruptures, microcracks) can occur with vomiting, hiccups, coughing and other overexertion.

What to do if someone vomits blood? If the blood is just a drop and it is scarlet in color, while the health of the poisoned person is more or less normal, then you should not panic much. But you still need to go to the first-aid post for a check-up.

It is worse if the blood is dark and there is a lot of it. Excessive internal bleeding is indicated by:

  • weakness, up to fainting;
  • pain localized in the problem area, often passing;
  • apathy and drowsiness;
  • a decrease in blood pressure (although an alcoholic drink still present in the human body can distort the indicators);
  • pale skin;
  • heart palpitations and tinnitus;
  • dry mouth, thirst;
  • sharp-smelling, watery black stools (if severe bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract).

In this case, it is necessary that the patient gets into the hands of doctors as soon as possible! But usually, significant disruptions in the work of the body begin only after a binge that lasted long enough, or for those who suffer from addiction and, “breaking down”, take alcohol in immense quantities, as well as for people with hidden diseases.

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