Diabetes and alcohol

Diabetes. This diagnosis obliges a previously healthy person to reconsider not only his diet, but also to balance it in such a way that the blood sugar level is constantly within the normal range. Deviations in sugar concentration is a deadly condition for a diabetic. As for proper nutrition, here, of course, there are certain rules. In particular, many are interested in the question of the compatibility of alcohol and diabetes. Are concepts like alcohol and diabetes compatible? Is it possible for diabetics to combine the usual diet food with alcoholic beverages?

The effect of alcohol on the body of a diabetic: is it possible to drink?

In order to understand how alcohol affects the patient’s body on diabetes, it is necessary to clarify the type of this disease. It is on this that the danger of ethyl for a diabetic depends. There are two opinions on this issue:

  1. the opinion of the endocrinologist is categorically impossible;
  2. the opinion of patients on diabetes mellitus is possible, but within the normal range, subject to specific rules.
    But as they say, here you need to know the “golden mean”. And since many people do not know how to control the amount of alcohol consumed during the feast, doctors are categorically against any alcohol in the diet of a diabetic. At the same time, there is one general rule for all patients – this is the absence of carbohydrates in an alcoholic drink and its degree. Why it is so important to know the amount of carbohydrates in alcohol, we will understand further.

Alcohol, after entering the digestive tract, with the blood flow enters the liver. Further, under the influence of enzymes produced by the liver, ethyl alcohol breaks down into more harmful (but still toxic) components. Even in a healthy person, the liver experiences a high level of stress. As for the diabetic, his liver undergoes tremendous stress. A large amount of ethyl can reduce the fermentation activity of the gland. As a result, the amount of enzymes in the blood decreases, glycogen is sorely lacking.

As a result, glucose levels decrease, which, in turn, can lead to a fatal disease – hypoglycemia. A diabetic can go into a coma or even die. The worst thing is that the external symptoms of hypoglycemia are very similar to alcohol intoxication:

  • headache with simultaneous nausea;
  • increased heart rate (tachycardia);
  • violation of coordination of movement;
  • incoherent, slurred speech;
  • skin blanching;
  • increased sweating;
  • short-term or permanent loss of consciousness.

Those around who do not know about the disease can confuse such symptoms with simple alcohol intoxication. But, after lowering glucose to 2.2 mmol / l of blood, the patient may experience complex clinical manifestations, coma and significant damage to brain cells. The risk of death for a diabetic with uncontrolled alcohol consumption increases significantly. It is for this reason that many endocrinologists prohibit the use of alcohol (of any quality) in diabetes.

Alcohol for a diabetic: dangerous conditions

Once again, it is worth recalling that endocrinologists consider diabetes and alcohol to be incompatible things. Therefore, with a spontaneous decision to drink alcohol, it is worth knowing the risk factors that are deadly for a diabetic:

  • drinking alcohol on an empty stomach is prohibited. Before the main table (if the holiday is planned at a party), you need to eat low-fat, low-calorie food. Then, during the entire feast, strictly control the amount of everything eaten;
  • overeating slows down the production of enzymes in the liver and stomach;
  • liqueurs, berry tinctures, home-made moonshine, champagne and sweet wines are strictly prohibited alcoholic beverages that are life-threatening for a diabetic in any quantity;
  • the maximum portion of an alcoholic drink is 100 grams of pure vodka without admixture of herbs and tinctures;
  • give preference to alcoholic beverages with a strength of at least 39 degrees;
  • low-alcohol carbonated drinks cause hypoglycemic coma for 95% of diabetics;
  • mixing beer with vodka is not allowed;
  • during the feast, strictly and constantly control the blood sugar content;
  • limit the intake of carbohydrates and fatty animal foods, it is forbidden to consume flour sweet foods and alcohol at the same time;
  • alcohol for type 2 diabetes in men is allowed in an amount of no more than 50 grams of vodka, for women this figure should be halved;
  • Alcoholic beverages before going to bed should also not be consumed. It is better to calculate in such a way that at least 5 hours of wakefulness remain before sleep.

Compatibility of alcohol and type 1 diabetes mellitus (insulin-dependent)

Type 1 diabetes is considered incurable. Patients compensate for the lack of insulin in the blood by injecting twice a day. It is important to strictly control the time of injection and everything that enters the stomach. Most often, this type of disease is common for people under 40 years old, in 60% of the diagnosis a hereditary factor is found. The complexity of this type is the individual calculation of the required amount of insulin. The portion of injections depends on many factors, including the condition of the liver, pancreas, habitual nutrition and the weight of the patient.

Type 1 diabetes and alcohol, the consequences of which can destabilize and lower blood glucose levels to a dangerous minimum, are considered completely incompatible concepts. The interaction of alcohol and insulin cannot be guessed with maximum accuracy. Therefore, even with an acute desire to drink a portion of cognac for a pleasant company, it is important to monitor the level of sugar in the blood both after the feast and during it.

Alcohol and type 2 diabetes

Is it possible to drink alcohol in type 2 diabetes, and what are the consequences for the patient? Type 2 diabetes mellitus is considered a characteristic disease for people in old age (acquired). Changes and symptoms occur with characteristic signs of metabolic disorders in the body. In this case, there is a constant dry mouth, an increase in water consumption per day, itching of the genitals and constant fatigue.

Alcohol for type 2 diabetics is also considered taboo. However, you can talk about “safe” portions of alcohol. It is allowed to drink a week no more than:

  • 200 grams of dry wine;
  • 75 grams of cognac;
  • 100 grams of pure 40-degree vodka;
  • 0.5 liters of light beer (dark contains a critical amount of carbohydrates).

This rate is not recommended by endocrinologists due to the difficulty of controlling blood sugar. Also, the above table is not considered a direct “guide” to action: each person perceives alcohol differently, and it is impossible to talk about general rules for all patients with type 2 or type 1 diabetes.

The diagnosis of “diabetes mellitus” is already certain restrictions in the diet of a person. Only the attending physician can adjust portions of food and alcohol based on observations and the clinical picture of the disease. An important point is the following fact: alcohol abuse (alcoholism) in diabetes mellitus reduces the duration and quality of life for 95% of patients. The risk of developing hypoglycemic coma in alcoholics increases by 90%. These and many other facts allow us to talk about the absolute incompatibility of alcohol with diabetes. The risk, in this case, is absolutely not justified.

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