Calling a narcologist at home for alcoholism

Alcoholism is a serious problem and is best dealt with under the supervision of a qualified doctor in a specialized medical institution. However, modern clinics, in order to quickly sober up, often provide among their services a visit to a narcologist at home, who can be called at any time of the day or set a specific date for his visit.  

The first indicators that it is time to call a narcologist are:

  • Frequent, almost constant feeling of anxiety and restlessness;
  • There are urges to relax with alcohol and drinking alone;
  • Impaired coordination, headaches, persistent dry mouth, muscle pain;
  • Drunkenness, which is characterized by the constant use of alcohol for a certain period of time and a reduction in the period of sobriety to a minimum;
  • If in order for a person to feel better after yesterday’s state of alcoholic intoxication, you need to drink more (get drunk);
  • Rapid onset of intoxication of the body.

These are all alarming bells of the onset of a dangerous stage of alcoholism, which leads to the complete destruction of the body in a short time. Therefore, an effective solution is to call a specialist at home. For a fee, he will examine and consult the patient, put on a dropper for 1.5-2 hours, after which the patient falls asleep until the morning, and when he wakes up, he takes the medications prescribed by the doctor. Also, the doctor will select the treatment of the disease individually, take care of the susceptibility to different medications, and provide the necessary psychological support.

However, people often become victims of self-medication for alcoholism. Such measures can lead to dangerous outcomes. Therefore, there is a list of cases in which it is better not to neglect inpatient treatment:

  • The patient is over 50 years old;
  • Have chronic heart, kidney, nervous system or mental health problems;
  • The use of narcotic drugs;
  • There was a strong intoxication of the body with a threat to the patient’s life;
  • The binge lasts more than 3 weeks;
  • The clinics have a strict privacy policy that will prevent information about the illness in your family from spreading beyond your doctor.

Advantages of a home visit by a specialist of the NarkoDoc medical center

  • information about you will not be in government agencies, there is no need to register anywhere, which will greatly simplify life in the future;
  • no need to worry about the safety of transportation of the patient, about his interaction with you and the people around him on the road;
  • the patient will not experience the stress associated with getting to the hospital, it is much easier for you and him to withstand this test at home
  • help will come to you much faster than you could get on your own, taking into account fees, public transport and inadequate condition of the transported;
  • mobile narcologists work around the clock, which will allow you to get help at any time of the day or night;
  • the doctor’s speech will sound many times more convincing and authoritative than any plea for an end to hard drinking, even from a loved one.

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