Drinking beer

Beer is a beverage made up of barley malt, hops and a small amount of alcohol. Many consider beer drinking to be harmless and harmless. However, such a delusion turns out to be fatal for lovers of this “refreshing” drink. The pharmacological effect of beer is just such that a person calms down and tunes in to rest. Thus, a person receives, in addition to alcohol dependence, also dependence on beer as a sedative. Over time, beer becomes an obligatory attribute of rest, the doses of its consumption increase, and memory lapses are observed. Beer is drunk not in the evening, after work, but on the way home, at lunchtime and, finally, in the morning. Beer acquires the status of a habit, penetrates into all human cells and causes alcoholism. 

Drinking beer is not associated with drinking strong alcoholic beverages, which is why an erroneous opinion is formed that beer is not alcohol. Nevertheless, the desire to drink beer always haunts the beer alcoholic. Beer alcoholism differs from vodka alcoholism by its long and slow formation. However, its development leads to severe forms of alcoholism. Excessive drinking of beer leads to the formation of gambrinism (chronic alcoholism). Addiction to beer appears 4 times faster than to vodka. Beer alcoholism is much more difficult to treat than vodka alcoholism. Nevertheless, beer drinkers develop diseases common for alcoholism: cirrhosis of the liver, atherosclerosis, hepatitis. Such people are prone to early aging.

A person who drinks beer regularly and in large quantities often does not even realize that he is already an alcoholic. It should be remembered that drinking beer in the amount of several liters a day is by no means safe, because in terms of the ethyl alcohol content, such a volume is equal to a bottle of vodka. The degree of poisoning of the body with ethyl alcohol does not depend on the strength of the alcoholic drink, but on the total concentration of alcohol. So it doesn’t really matter whether a person drinks a bottle of vodka or 4 liters of beer a day. This is already alcoholism.

Recently, scientists have been saying that drinking more than 0.5 liters of beer per day leads to the formation of many diseases. Mainly, the brain, digestive and cardiovascular systems are affected. With regular consumption of beer, the digestive tract is in a state of constant stress. The liver also wears out. The release of adrenaline, which is promoted by toxins contained in beer, leads to outbursts of unmotivated aggression. Beer contributes to the development of varicose veins due to its rapid absorption into the bloodstream and overflowing the bloodstream.

When beer is abused, the heart becomes flabby (beer heart syndrome), and this is no longer restored. In the body of men, when drinking beer, substances begin to be released that can suppress the production of male hormones. This promotes the formation of female hormones, due to which the mammary glands enlarge and the pelvis expands. Excessive consumption of beer causes obesity, exacerbates chronic diseases. The most dangerous beer is for the younger generation, which is characterized by a noticeable acceleration in recent years.

Beer has a negative effect on the human reproductive system, and in some cases leads to infertility. If pregnancy does occur, then the toxins generated by drinking beer lead to anatomical and mental defects of the child. According to research, beer is more likely than wine to cause pregnancy and childbirth complications. Drinking beer while nursing can also have serious health consequences for your baby. This is manifested in the future and in intellectual development, and in the appearance of diseases of the digestive system. The mother herself, who drank beer during feedings, is more prone to mastitis.

Beer alcoholism will eventually lead to common alcoholism if it is not detected and treated promptly. First of all, treatment consists in a complete refusal to drink beer, like other alcoholic beverages. The metabolism of the brain is disrupted, and the normal reaction to alcohol is no longer restored. The body is never cleared of this, so even long-term abstinence in the case of alcohol consumption will go down the drain.

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