How is the withdrawal from binge using a dropper?

With alcohol addiction, when withdrawal from the binge is required, a dropper helps to alleviate the condition. This method gives a quick result: due to intravenous administration, the drugs act almost instantly. After some time, the patient becomes much better, relief comes.

It is advisable to get out of the binge with the help of a specialist who will track the body’s reaction and take timely measures to prevent possible complications. A specialist in narcology can give recommendations on how to get out of the binge competently.

Droppers used for withdrawal from hard drinking

With an integrated approach to the treatment of withdrawal symptoms, droppers are used to help eliminate intoxication and normalize the functions of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys and liver. They relieve tremors, convulsive syndrome, reduce anxiety, lead to normal blood pressure, tachycardia. Sedative ingredients help normalize sleep and overall well-being.

Only a narcologist will be able to select the necessary ingredients included in the dropper for hard drinking, taking into account the patient’s condition, the presence of allergies to the components of the dropper, existing diseases and symptoms.

It is not recommended to independently select drugs for the treatment of withdrawal symptoms.

The dropper for hard drinking includes:

  • 0.9% sodium chloride solution (or glucose solution 5%, hemodez) up to 1.5 liters (the volume is affected by the patient’s condition);
  • anticonvulsants;
  • antiemetic drugs;
  • medicinal substances to maintain the activity of the myocardium;
  • blood pressure lowering agents;
  • sleeping pills;
  • drugs to improve cerebral circulation;
  • antihistamines;
  • antidepressants;
  • preparations of magnesium, calcium, potassium.

As a result of severe poisoning, the body is dehydrated, and the patient becomes very thirsty. To normalize the water balance in the body, another dropper should be made. A person does not always have the opportunity to drink large quantities of liquid, therefore the purpose of the dropper is to restore the loss of fluid by the body.

A dropper designed for rehydration includes:

  • glucose solution (5-10%) with the addition of insulin;
  • polyionic solutions (Trisol, Disol, Ringer’s solution);
  • detoxification agents (Neohemodez, Gemodez, Gluconeodez, Gelatinol).

If you use a dropper for binge drinking with such a composition, you need to monitor the acid-base balance. In addition, after the infusion of a large amount of solution, the appointment of diuretics is required to help remove fluid from the body.

The doctor selects the doses taking into account the clinical manifestations, individually in each case.

Droppers can include vitamins, pain relievers, and sleeping pills. For example:

  • Piracetam helps to improve blood circulation and brain activity;
  • Panangin normalizes cardiac activity;
  • antihistamines reduce the likelihood of developing an allergic reaction;
  • vitamins help to eliminate neurological manifestations (pain in muscles and head, irritability, tremor).

Dry dropper for binge drinking is a conditional concept, it means that with self-treatment, available medications that are well-known are used. Sleeping pills and antidepressants are the most readily available remedies to reduce alcohol cravings. Also, such a dropper includes:

  • means for normalizing blood pressure;
  • drugs that enhance cerebral circulation;
  • vitamins;
  • electrolytes;
  • nootropics (to improve mental performance);
  • strong adsorbents.

Features of the use of a dropper

It is important to remember that the drip is placed the next day after taking alcoholic beverages. When alcohol is in the stomach, it is impossible to prevent its absorption into the bloodstream, therefore, a dropper after a binge in this case will not give the desired result, it can negatively affect the patient’s health.

A drip at home should only be installed by a specialist. If the patient has serious diseases (diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma, pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, signs of alcoholic psychosis), it is required to be admitted to a hospital. At home, the likelihood of complications increases.

Poor condition after a dropper, especially if the patient was drunk, requires assistance in a hospital setting. You may need to repeat the procedure, drip additional medications to normalize the activity of the body’s systems.

A dropper with a binge allows you to stop the state of withdrawal, but not cravings for alcohol. Until the psychological craving for alcohol is eliminated, access to alcohol should be eliminated after withdrawal from the binge.

You should know that a wonderful dropper for hard drinking, which can permanently get rid of addiction, has not yet been invented. Emergency help consists in the use of special agents, the instillation of which helps to relieve symptoms and smooth out acute manifestations.

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