8 popular myths about alcohol

In the modern world, it is very rare to meet a person who does not drink, that is, not someone who drinks little or only on holidays, but a person who does not drink alcohol at all. And as a rule, the majority of non-drinkers are already alcohol-coded people. And there are only a few of those who really refuse to take alcoholic beverages on their own for the sake of their own health and the health of future children. However, everyone at the same time knows that alcohol is the same drug, the use of which is fraught with addiction, personality degradation and trauma for the whole organism. To justify the love of this drug, 8 popular myths about alcohol have developed.

Alcohol helps treat colds

This myth is based on medical facts, since the effects of alcohol do cause vasodilation and the patient feels temporary relief. However, there is no real benefit to people with colds from drinking alcohol. Also, after taking alcohol, a person develops a false sensation of inner warmth, so there is an illusion that alcohol warms. In fact, this is not the case. Alcohol enhances heat transfer, as a result of which a person freezes faster, although he does not actually feel it. Also, the immune system suffers from alcohol, which leads to an increased risk of colds.

Low alcohol drinks can be drunk in large quantities

Many people believe that real booze is hard alcohol, and beer and various cocktails are nothing more than self-indulgence that does no harm. By tradition, a real man drinks three half-liter bottles of beer. From here grows such a concept as beer alcoholism, which actually conceals in itself no less harm than ordinary alcoholism. 

Alcohol increases potency

This alcohol is based on the fact that some men in a state of alcoholic intoxication are capable of a longer sexual intercourse, due to the dulling of the signals of the nerve endings. However, this does not mean at all that alcohol has a positive effect on potency – quite the opposite, alcohol is the first enemy of healthy male potency, which after several years of regular intake of small amounts of alcoholic beverages will significantly decrease.

Alcohol helps relieve fatigue

It is highly discouraged to relieve stress and fatigue after a working day with alcohol, since the state of relaxation after a bottle of beer is nothing more than an illusion. In fact, alcohol paralyzes the activity of the brain, which generally causes the nervous system to be agitated. The human body is already tired, from the effects of alcohol is depleted even more, gradually there is a breakdown, insomnia, and the real reason lies only in the periodic intake of a bottle of beer after a working day.

Alcohol promotes sound sleep

In fact, at first, alcohol can lead a person to a kind of heavy narcotic sleep, but people who abuse alcohol to fall asleep faster soon run the risk of starting to suffer even more from insomnia. And those people who did not have problems with sleep before will face them.

Alcohol increases appetite

This is partly true – alcohol irritates the stomach lining, increasing appetite. However, this effect is fraught with consequences: pancreatitis, gastritis, ulcers, potential dystrophy and many other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is also worth noting that in drinking people, on the contrary, their appetite is dulled. 

Alcohol has a positive effect on creativity

Scientists conducted a study, according to the results of which it became known that drinking alcohol after a short time leads to the destruction of a person’s ability to think creatively. At first, a small amount of alcohol can provoke a creative surge, but this effect is short-lived and similar to the effect of taking drugs.

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