Conclusion from a lingering binge

Unfortunately, it is not easy to remove the binge – a long-term state of alcoholic intoxication. A person, without realizing it, with his own knowledge, for several years, from a drinker turns into an inveterate drunkard, who easily, even after drinking a liter of beer, goes into alcoholic oblivion. Moreover, this time is not a day or two, but several days, and often weeks. In addition to the degradation of a person as a person, he will find himself in painful suffering. However, this is not the worst thing. To get out of the multi-day state of alcoholic euphoria independently and quickly – not everyone is capable of this. Therefore, the conclusion from a long binge is a problem related to narcology.

By yourself or with help

Realizing myself as an alcoholic, I went into an illusory world and I need help with prolonged binges – not everyone is capable of this. In the context of the harsh reality, we can talk about a serious illness, which will have to be treated not only in a hospital, but also at home. In fact, due to the unwillingness of the alcoholic himself, the procedure is complicated – the interruption of the binge . He feels good, he is in his illusory world, where there are no those pressing problems, from which he often has to run, hide. In this case, the output from such a binge is stationary – the best solution. Here, the person’s condition balances on the patience of close relatives. 

A lowered person, with his knowledge, can behave differently: he will leave the apartment, start stealing funds for another drunkard, and it is not known how it will all end. Therefore, the interruption of the binge should proceed quickly, in a day or a couple of days, and always in the hospital. Those mothers and wives, whose sons and husbands drink, are more likely to be hospitalized, because they cannot answer the question of how to stop the binge on their own.

Not every case requires intervention. If the alcoholic has not lost his sense of himself, he can interrupt the lingering binge. However, these are a minority. The bulk of alcoholics are unable to get out of this state on their own. This means that the interruption of the binge must be carried out either at home or in the hospital, with his knowledge.

To go to the hospital is not suitable for everyone. The person fears that his / her weaknesses will be recognized by acquaintances. He is also just embarrassed to seek medical help. The third option – breaking the binge costs a lot of money. On the other hand, the medical institution has all the conditions and equipment to get rid of withdrawal symptoms. And this is a great way out for the patient.

  • First, it’s fast. Narcology promises to bring any man or woman out of the binge.
  • Secondly, it is given, albeit weak, but a guarantee that a person will begin to respect himself and will not plunge into a second binge.
  • Thirdly, psychological work will be carried out with the patient, they will try to convince – this is not a way out of difficult situations, but the first step into the kingdom of the dead. Therefore, there should be no questions about why or how to stop the binge. They will also propose radical measures: coding, filing an ampoule, comprehensive assistance to narcology.

All of the above fully reveals the essence of the problem and answers the question of how to get a person out of the binge.

How is treated in a hospital

It should be noted that withdrawal from hard drinking in a hospital is faster than at home. There will be two ways to treat an alcoholic with his knowledge, if the person is unable to overcome the addiction to alcohol on his own. The first is based on the fear of death. In the hospital, an inveterate drunk will be offered coding for a certain time. Either sew an ampoule with medical components (esperal, torpedo) or give an injection.

In both cases, he will not be told how many days the drug will work exactly, but they will warn that in ordinary life they are harmless, and when he drinks, the substances will block the production of the enzyme acetaldehyde dehydronase, which will provoke severe poisoning of the body. That is, getting out of the binge is a comprehensive process.

If the patient wants, shows a sincere desire, he in the hospital can try unconventional methods – withdrawal from prolonged binge inpatient, using coding without medication based on hypnosis. However, according to the latest data, they do not justify themselves. Help with prolonged binge drinking should be of high quality, especially if it is provided in a hospital.

Another method when you need help with long drinking binges is based on persuasion. If a man agrees to a cycle of conversations, he will be given classes aimed at realizing himself as a person. With the knowledge of the patient, he is taught that it is much more profitable, pleasant and logical not to drink than to be in a drunken stupor for several days.

As a rule, a long course is not required. The person realizes that drunkenness and the subsequent interruption of the binge is reflected not only on himself, but on his family. Therefore, alcoholism in general, he already considers himself to be something humiliating. However, this is not the case with everyone. Most, when the binge break is over, plunge into a drunken stupor again.

Get treated in a hospital or at home

Getting out of binge is the first step to a new life. But the main thing is not to take any measures without the knowledge of the patient, without his consent. Help with prolonged binge, at the initial stage begins with droppers. Further, an additional structure of narcology will be used:

  • the use of special equipment if a person is in a critical situation;
  • round-the-clock monitoring of the patient’s condition;
  • when the binge treatment lasts, the patient is denied access to alcohol;
  • as a last service, rehabilitation time is provided.

An alcoholic who has gone into oblivion always tries to justify himself even in difficult situations, drinks for several days and for many is a common occurrence. Of course, the man will not give his consent to start treating himself. The most difficult fact is how to get such a person out of the binge. But, as already mentioned, it is categorically not recommended to make a decision without the knowledge of the patient. Binge treatment is a complex of procedures that includes a physiological and psychological factor. But, this is with regard to drug addiction. That is, the withdrawal from hard drinking in the hospital in this key is a priority. 

At home, the precedent for the question of how to get the husband out of the binge looks different, but in fact does not change the terms of consent. Against the desire of the drinker not to interrupt the alcoholic euphoria, nothing can be done except violence, but this is not considered in this article. Therefore, the question – the interruption of hard drinking lies in the plane of the drinker. A person with a strong will often wants and will be able to stop after a long binge. Therefore, against his will, he will not have to heal a person.

Weak individuals need help at home. So, you can try to get out of the binge with the help of convictions, where in a competent speech, carefully insert a few words with threats, such as “you will lose your job and then your family,” “you will drink tomorrow, I’ll file for divorce,” and the like.

As a rule, these actions affect the withdrawal from hard drinking – they are sobering if they are used in the correct intonation. Also remind how many days a man drinks. A day for an alcoholic is different, so he will surely take his head. But the main thing is not to overdo it. Don’t throw tantrums. You just need to figure out how to stop the binge of a loved one.

Where is the root of the problem?

At home – the process is tolerated by an alcoholic easier, unlike if the withdrawal from the binge was stationary. When a person firmly told himself that he can get out of alcoholic intoxication on his own, it is more convenient for him to survive the hangover at home. And here the wife will not have to worry about how to get her husband out of the binge, if he decides to give up the bottle.  

Just do not need to jerk him in these few days, when he will experience withdrawal symptoms and nag him with moralizing. Yes, he deserved it, but in this state it is better for him to be alone, to rethink everything. Otherwise, there is a great risk that he will go against his will and start drinking again.

The question of what to do if the husband drinks binge – cannot be answered unequivocally. This could be:

  • a common addiction that appeared in his youth, and was successfully hidden by a man during several years of marriage;
  • a problem, the origins of which lie at the household level;
  • turmoil or difficult relationship at work.

Interruption of binge – here for women, there is only one advice, start with yourself, with the conditions of life, and only then look for secondary signs of serious binge drinking. But in any case, protracted drunkenness is the area of ​​narcology and it will still have to be solved together – the three of us.

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