Basic facts about alcohol and drug addiction

Alcohol affects men and women in different ways, which can be explained by differences in body weight and height. In general, men have a higher tolerance for alcohol than women. It is also worth remembering that as women age, their level of alcohol tolerance decreases.

Interesting Facts:

  • Drinking two or three standard servings of alcoholic beverages is sufficient to impair the cognitive ability to adequately assess the situation and actions of others.
  • Drinking five such servings within one hour raises the blood alcohol level by up to 0.1%, which is still the norm in many American states.

Despite the fact that alcohol lowers inhibitory processes, excessive alcohol consumption can also have a negative impact on sexual function. The constant use of alcoholic beverages can disrupt the natural production of male hormones, as well as the functionality of the testicles , which can lead to the development of impotence and even infertility. Moreover, few men are aware of the fact that excessive alcohol consumption can lead to a decrease in the level of manifestation of secondary sexual characteristics , for example, chest hair or even facial hair.

It is also important that alcohol and drugs are often implicated in various sexual crimes. Alcohol has a negative impact on cognitive function such as the ability to adequately assess the people around them and their actions, according to information contained in the regularly updated report of the Centers for Disease Surveillance and Prevention, and therefore some men may mistakenly accept the simple act of friendliness and goodwill as a sexy invitation. Thus, people under the influence of alcohol may not even be aware of how aggressively they are behaving. Moreover, keep in mind that drugs such as flunitrazepam are often used as a sedative added to alcohol so that the victim cannot resist sexual abuse.

Decreased cognitive functionality due to alcohol consumption may well be the reason that a woman agrees to have sex with strangers or people she dislikes. Moreover, it is common knowledge that people under the influence of alcohol and drugs tend to engage in risky sexual behavior, such as refusing safe sex or having multiple partners.

Alcohol and drug abuse can also lead to short-term and long-term health problems. So, men who are overly addicted to alcohol, for example, have an increased risk of developing cancer of the oral cavity, larynx, liver and gastrointestinal tract. Both men and women who abuse alcohol are more likely to develop various neurological problems, including dementia, neuropathology , and so-called alcoholic stroke. Long-term alcohol abuse has been linked to psychiatric problems such as depression and anxiety.

Unfortunately, there is no safe level of alcohol consumption for pregnant women, and drinking even small doses of alcohol is most harmful during the first trimester. Even the usual consumption of alcoholic beverages during the gestational period can lead to miscarriage, as well as the development of congenital physiological and neurological defects in children. Certain drugs taken during pregnancy can also cause a newborn baby to be physically dependent on the drug or to develop withdrawal symptoms.

Interesting Facts:

  • The most common complication associated with alcohol abuse is liver damage.
  • Chronic alcoholism often leads to the development of hepatitis and liver cirrhosis.
  • Stress is considered to be the main risk factor for excessive alcohol and drug use, as people try to reduce anxiety levels, regulate emotions and relieve emotional pain.
  • It is also worth remembering that almost half of people who use drugs and alcohol have some mental health problems .

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