How to quickly get out of a binge at home?

In the life of some people, it happens that the question of how to quickly get out of the binge becomes relevant and global. Often people do not recognize alcohol dependence, claiming that they can stop at any time. Drinking glass after glass day after day, a person does not notice how rapidly the disease of alcoholism is developing. The problem with this disease is that it is possible to help a person who is an alcoholic only if he consciously wants it.

Long binge

To be able to properly deal with the undesirable consequences of alcoholic intoxication, it is necessary to understand the difference between the state of prolonged binge drinking and the state of different severity of alcoholic intoxication. Long-term consumption of alcoholic substances (more than a day) is considered binge, as a result of which alcohol poisoning occurs. In medicine, there is also a concept as pseudo binge, unlike binge drinking, it is characterized not by the internal motives of the abuser, but by external factors, for example, a festive feast, a trip on vacation and the pressure of society.  

Binge and pseudo binge are characteristic of a patient with alcoholism of the second and third stages. The body does not have time to process the received alcohol-containing agents, thus causing severe intoxication and poisoning. The main problem is how to get out of binge drinking at home without the participation of doctors, because often this process requires medication, as well as taking drugs that stabilize mental disorders. Alcoholism is a consequence of prolonged depression and lack of fulfillment, therefore, first aid to the patient must be carried out correctly, not leaving him alone with himself and not humiliating his personal dignity, protecting him from information that could cause recurrent binge drinking.

First aid tips for binge drinking

Many who are faced with this kind of problem are interested in the question of how to get out of the binge at home without resorting to the help of specialists. After all, sick people are not always ready to come to a medical institution and admit that they are addicted, one of the main problems in the treatment of alcoholism is its denial. A way out of binge drinking at home is possible, but all treatment should be accompanied by the patience of relatives and friends, as well as love and indulgence towards the patient.

Common First Aid Tips:

  • on the day of detecting signs of binge drinking (more than a day), it is necessary to start taking the first measures to remove alcohol from the human body;
  • stop drinking;
  • rinse the stomach with an alkaline drink to maximize the elimination of alcohol that has not yet been absorbed;
  • drinking plenty of milk, which will help avoid intoxication due to poisoning with alcohol-containing agents;
  • ice or contrast shower.

These tips will help you move away from heavy intoxication and serve as an initial stage to provide further assistance in getting out of the binge. Getting out of binge at home can also be done with the help of confidential health care. There are Alcoholics Anonymous clinics around the world, saving hundreds of lives from intoxication and poisoning every day.

Asking yourself the question of how to get out of the binge on your own, you need to understand that the attraction of such help is a necessary measure for removing alcohol and restoring the body. Specialists will supply a dropper containing caffeine, glucose or aspirin, as well as vitamins B and C. On the day when alcohol leaves the patient’s body completely, the person will have a chance for a normal lifestyle, the main thing is not to stop and continue working to get out of the binge.

Home methods of dealing with binge

The advice of people on combating binge is endless, everyone chose the method exclusively according to their personal situation. It is possible to get a person out of the stage of prolonged intoxication on their own at home, but over time and with a large amount of alcoholic drinks, it becomes more and more difficult to do this. The first and most important advice is to start fighting the binge as soon as possible. At long stages, for example, with monthly abuse, it is practically impossible to do without medication.

Effective tips for dealing with heavy drinking:

  • the use of ammonia added to a warm drink, no more than 2-3 drops per 100 grams of water, will instantly allow you to come to your senses from any unconscious state. This type of sobering up is prohibited for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • you can use folk remedies and put a cleansing enema with herbal infusions, for example, chamomile infusion. Treatment of alcohol with folk remedies is widely developed in modern society. To prepare the infusion, you need to soak 2 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers in boiling water for 15 minutes, after which it is better to strain the broth and add one and a half liters of water to it.

The best way to sweat is to drink tea with honey and lemon, which will cause increased sweating, as it is 30% of alcohol-containing substances that are released through the pores of the skin with sweat. After such tea, it is better to give the person a soothing broth or you can use tincture of valerian or motherwort to reduce stress, feelings of panic attack and excessive anxiety. It must be remembered that the body experiences severe stress, intoxication and, as a result, dehydration, it is better for the patient to drink more fluids. Also, the patient needs peace and relaxation, avoiding conflict situations or emotional upheaval.

Eating after relieving symptoms of intoxication

Now it became clear how to get out of the binge at home, that this process, although not easy, but possible, the fundamental factors of which are not only the desire to help a loved one, but also the patient’s desire to help himself. After removing alcohol from the body and bringing a person to senses and a sober mind, it is necessary to consolidate the achieved result. Firstly, it is better not to leave the patient alone with you, you can return to what you left. Secondly, you need to choose the right diet and food.

When drawing up a nutrition plan, you need to understand that the patient’s body experiences tremendous stress as a result of the loads he has endured, for which it is necessary to help him restore some of the lost functions. The patient’s food should be divided into small portions.

Eliminate alcohol-containing products, fatty and spicy, sour and salty foods from consumption. You can make an approximate menu for every day, and on the necessary day, give food to a person according to the compiled schedule.

It is better to pay special attention to steamed and boiled food, you can alternate the day of their use. Be sure to include in the menu the use of oatmeal kosh for breakfast. From soups, preference is given to the second broth (chicken) with the addition of vegetables. Avoid drinking coffee and strong tea. It is best to give the patient a calming green tea. For better assimilation of food and facilitating the work of the liver, pancreas and stomach, meals can be accompanied by the intake of drugs such as “Pancreatin” or ” Mezima “.

Stationary method of getting out of binge

When it is not possible to fight the binge of a loved one on your own, it is recommended to seek the provision of highly qualified medical care. Clinics for people suffering from alcoholism are often anonymous and keep information about their clients in strict confidentiality and secrecy

Procedures carried out by the clinic’s specialists:

  • glucose dropper with added vitamins;
  • taking sedatives;
  • restorative and tonic therapy to restore water balance and other biochemical reactions;
  • drug treatment (tranquilizers, antidepressants, metabolic drugs).

The duration of such treatment can range from one and a half weeks to several months. The duration of the treatment is determined by the attending physician, taking into account the individuality of each patient. The most difficult thing after prolonged intoxication is to completely restore the normal functioning of the body, as well as eliminate the disturbance in the psyche of a sick person. Most alcoholics do not consider themselves sick people, as a result of which the process of their recovery is delayed for many years, and in some cases leads to bad consequences.  

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