Time to learn more: what is binge

Why do people drink without stopping? Why, why is this happening? In other cases, society is to blame, in others it is predisposition. There are many options, but the outcome is the same: such behavior is deadly, fraught with a stroke, dementia, complete degradation.

The stages of drunkenness

A person does not become an alcoholic immediately, it takes time. How much exactly? The indicator is individual, but it is known for sure that in women addiction develops faster due to the characteristics of the organism. Even earlier, a constant craving for alcohol appears in drinking teenagers.

The path from the first glass to entering the world of wine vapors is usually divided into 3 stages.

  1. Initial. A person drinks in a company from time to time, while not knowing the measure. Drinks alcohol until he passes out or is sent to sleep. For him, to leave the room in which the clink of glasses is heard means to miss all the fun.
  2. Average. There is already a tandem of physical and psychological dependence. The amount of alcohol drunk at a time is steadily growing. A person can afford to drink non-stop for several days, his behavior becomes antisocial. The hangover is severe, lingering, the symptoms are pronounced.
  3. Systematic use, accompanied by degradation of personality. A person is constantly in the stage of intoxication, such behavior is associated with the risk of sudden death.

Separately allocate drunken alcoholism. Most often it is observed in people who are in the second, middle stage. However, the person for whom nothing of the kind has been noticed before is also capable of going into it. Why? Sometimes this happens due to the fault of external factors: difficult life situations, the loss of a loved one.

Symptoms of manifestations

Prolonged drinking is binge drinking. They go into it for various reasons, sometimes without them at all. For example, there is an acute desire to relieve a hangover. And it turns out, but with each time the relief becomes more and more fleeting.

Why is it so hard to stop? To relieve the symptoms of intoxication – tremor, pain, depression – a person resorts to the help of a glass. He has already brought the body to a state where other non-drug methods do not help him. The patient is in no hurry to turn to narcologists. Some don’t even see the need for it.

There are a number of mental illnesses in which a person has a tendency to alcoholism. For example, manic-depressive psychosis. Personality disorders are aggravated, become more severe when alcohol binge sets in.

How to understand that a person has crossed the line? If he drinks alcohol for 2-3 days, does it without stopping or at short intervals, he has insomnia, nervousness and other symptoms, it’s time to seek help from specialists. Treatment at home is rarely successful, accompanied by coercion, and this in turn leads to the development of alcoholic psychosis.

Types of hard drinking

Can a person stop himself? It is possible, but only with a certain type of binge. Narcologists distinguish 2 types of them:

  • true;
  • pseudo-binge .

In the first option, there are symptoms of physical dependence: a person cannot feel better until he drinks. He does it systematically. He doesn’t have the goal of having fun. Taking a new dose is vital. Satisfaction becomes more difficult every time, you have to increase the number and strength of drinks. A hangover occurs after 2-3 hours, regardless of how much the alcoholic has drunk. The circle closes, this is a long binge.

The body suffers, symptoms of intoxication are observed. They are pronounced, the alcoholic knows that he is playing with death, but is unable to stop. Why? Because at this stage, one cannot leave the world of wine vapors without outside help.

With pseudo-drinking , everything is somewhat more complicated. Some people do not even realize that they periodically go into it. Their party just dragged on, spree for 3-4 days – is this a binge? Yes. And let it be possible to get out of it, most likely, without medical help, on your own, and the symptoms are not so pronounced, but the consequences of the uncontrolled use of wine and vodka products will make themselves felt by disrupting the functioning of various body systems.

Consequences of prolonged alcohol use

Every drunken alcoholic has diseases of the internal organs. The brain, cardiovascular system and liver suffer more than others. At the same time, there is no part of the body that would not be exposed to poison and would not be destroyed. Alcohol acts on a par with radiation or cancer. Slower and more inconspicuous than them, but the result and the scheme are the same.

If a person has gone into the world of wine vapors, having chronic diseases, exacerbation cannot be avoided. Remission passes very quickly, especially when it comes to hemorrhoids and ailments of the digestive system. Bleeding will open not in a few days, but on the first or second day of the feast.

The behavior of an alcoholic and his mental organization undergo changes that are comparable to the consequences of a whole series of psychological traumas. Alcohol goes hand in hand with depression, aggressiveness, depression. Those with binge drinking tend to be suicidal and cannot bear the pressure. Impulsivity and sensitivity increase exponentially. At the same time, people who systematically turn to the bottle are capable of any crime. The moral side of the issue fades into the background, the legality of actions is not considered by a drugged consciousness.

Hallucinations are consequences that should be discussed separately. Alcoholic delirium is a delirium tremens that occurs due to hard drinking, exhaustion of the body and severe intoxication. How many days do you need to drink to begin to imagine what is not there? Three days. The term is conditional, in some patients it is reduced to 24 hours.

What can be seen in such a state? Anything. At the disposal of delirium tremens are all kinds of hallucinations, from tactile to visual. Moreover, in some cases everything is observed at once: a person not only sees, but also hears, and sometimes even feels.

Delirium draws inspiration from fears. Nightmares come to life, leave films, begin to walk around the apartment of an alcoholic, as if they were material. The degree of realism in a severe form of fever is so high that you can go crazy or die from a heart attack.

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