How to get out of drinking effectively

It often happens that both alcoholics themselves and their relatives face the problem of getting out of alcoholic binge. How to get out of binge on your own in a short time?

According to psychologists, it will take at least 2 days to get out of binge. The strongest effect can be achieved 4 days after the alcoholic stops drinking alcohol. However, a slight relief of the patient’s condition will come on the 2nd day.

The problem of removing a person from a drunken state cannot be solved without the desire of the patient. A person must independently abandon this addiction. Achieving this will not be easy, but it is quite possible.

Sometimes alcohol withdrawal can be done more effectively at home than in a hospital. Relatives living near the sick person need to acquire great patience and sufficient determination. The main conditions for getting out of binge on your own will be proper nutrition, the use of medicines and alternative methods of treatment, and the elimination of side effects.

This is a terrible word

A binge is the excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages for 2 or more days in a row. The longer the alcoholic will be in a state of binge, the more difficult it will be for him to get out of binge at home.

This syndrome is characterized by several signs, the first of which is alcohol withdrawal, which does not give the alcoholic the opportunity to get out of the binge. At the same time, the person wants to drink again. Each person can face various troubles, including how to get out of a long binge.

The withdrawal of an alcoholic from a binge

So, in order to know how to get out of binge at home without the help of doctors, you must follow the rules of treatment:

  1. On the eve of the patient, you need to go to bed earlier than usual. Fusel vapors are partially eliminated from the patient’s body.
  2. Rise should be no earlier than 10 am. After waking up, you need to drink dairy or sour-milk products. Drinking coffee is not recommended. You need to take 6 tablets of Activated Charcoal, Valocordin and 2 tablets of Essentiale Forte and Mezim . Eat chicken broth for breakfast. If a person does not have an aversion to food, a piece of bread should be eaten with broth. It is highly undesirable to take solid food. If the alcoholic has a gag reflex, broth and other liquid foods should be eaten.
  3. Now the person needs complete rest. The patient is recommended bed rest.
  4. At lunch, drink 2 capsules of Essentiale Forte or Mezim to calm the stomach, after which you can eat chicken broth or another soup. If a person has heart pain, then you need to take 0.5 tablets of Atenolol.
  5. In the evening, you must definitely eat milk porridge or soup. It’s important not to overeat.
  6. Go to bed immediately after eating.
  7. The next day, get up no earlier than 10 o’clock. The patient should have a cup of coffee for breakfast. Taking medications according to the same scheme, with the exception of heart drops. Drink plenty of fluids and eat well.

Often, experts advise when there is a way out of hard drinking at home, cabbage pickle. It is in it that there is the greatest amount of vitamin B, which rids the body of alcohol toxins. Another plus of this brine is the saturation of the body with fluid, which will accelerate the removal of alcohol toxins.

Not every pickle can help with binge drinking. For example, if you use cucumber pickle as a treatment with folk remedies, then it will not be able to help, since apart from water it does not contain any substances that could speed up the detoxification process .

Doctors give the following tips on how to quickly get out of binge:

  1. It is necessary to take care in advance that medicines are purchased that help a person who stops drinking: Essentiale Forte, Activated charcoal, Mezim and drops for the heart. In addition, you need to eat foods such as honey, lemons, kvass, as well as brine, kefir, milk and other drinks.
  2. During treatment, the help of a psychologist at home will not hurt. At a doctor’s appointment, a person who quits drinking will be able to throw out all the negative emotions. This will relieve nervous tension and reduce the patient’s headache.
  3. Have chicken or beef broth.

The procedure for removing a person from binge without doctors with folk remedies will take place in 1 day, so on this one day it is necessary that a loved one be with the alcoholic to provide psychological support.

Help for an alcoholic

In order for the procedure for withdrawing an alcoholic from binge to be effective, narcologists give the following advice:

  1. Help from the patient’s family. To effectively treat a drinking person, you need to talk to a person and convince him that he is loved by you and very dear to you. Support him, tell him that together you will live through this difficult period of treatment for alcoholism.
  2. It must be understood that forced treatment will not be able to lead to an effective result. In order to successfully get out of the binge on his own, the drinker must make a firm decision and want it himself. How to quickly get out of a binge, how to help a person quit an addiction, how to behave correctly after getting rid of addiction – a specialist can give answers to these questions. A qualified narcologist and psychotherapist will be able to prescribe effective treatment and return a loved one to the family.

It is possible to give up alcohol. Almost every person who has at least once tried to quit drinking knows how to get out of binge on their own. Any person has sufficiently large internal reserves that will allow him to adapt to the most difficult conditions.

You need to understand the following: there are no incurable addictions and hopeless people.

Therefore, it can be noted that all alcoholics are in the same conditions. How to get out of addiction, how to get out of hard drinking at home? Any person, if desired, can get out of the binge at home if he follows the following rules:

  1. It is necessary to treat alcohol as narcotic substances, because alcohol acts on exactly the same parts of the brain and excites the same receptors.
  2. A person who has given up alcohol should begin to live without alcohol. Perhaps this will be the most important advice for creating a happy family life.

Be healthy!

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