The harm of beer for women

There is an opinion among the people that beer, as a low-alcohol drink, does not cause such harm to health as heavy alcohol like vodka. Even some doctors write that beer is the most valuable food product, which contains many vitamins and biologically active substances. Perhaps this opinion is true for freshly brewed real beer, but not for the bottled beverage, which often has more degrees than wine. Such beer does not bring any health benefits, but only inflicts a crushing blow on it. Beer has a particularly strong effect on the female body. The main harm of beer for women is the negative effect on the hormonal system. In addition, there is such a term as missed pregnancy, and this phenomenon happens precisely because the expectant mother abuses alcoholic beverages, including beer. The harm of beer for women and men, by the way, is the same, so you need to drink it in very small quantities.

Beer or vodka?

According to experts, only moonshine is worse than beer in terms of the impact. Both during home brewing and during fermentation of hop wort, from which beer is made, harmful products are released like fusel oils, methanol, aldehydes. It is these compounds that bring the greatest harm to the health of the person drinking beer. The harm of beer for women is also expressed in the fact that they drink it in large quantities, and often the degree is equal to the drunk bottle of vodka, which gives a very strong intoxication, and, accordingly, a strong hangover. In the process of brewing beer, all those useful substances that could be in it (vitamins of group B, biologically active compounds) disappear, since during production the product is heated and pasteurized, which kills any useful substances.

Phytoestrogen content in beer

In addition to the aforementioned useful substances, it seems that phytoestrogens should be included in beer – compounds that are extremely necessary for the female body that prolong youth. But estrogens and estrogens are different. The most beneficial for women are those substances that are produced by their own body. If you use phytoestrogens in any form at an age when your own are actively produced, this will lead to a decrease in the natural production of these hormones. It’s another matter when the body is already starting to age, and little of its hormones are produced. It is in this case that you can afford a little beer, as well as creams containing estrogen. The harm of beer for women is very great, as it leads to premature aging, the extinction of their own secretory functions.

This negative effect is especially strong with regular consumption of a certain amount of beer. This will cause a constant influx of external phytoestrogens , and your own hormonal apparatus will slowly atrophy. Do not think that only the balance of estrogen in the body will be disturbed. This imbalance will lead to a chain of disruptions that will affect the entire body. Against the background of constant drinking of beer, women often develop endometriosis , cysts appear in the ovaries, as well as their dysfunction. The harm of beer for women is that hormonal imbalance caused by its use can become a real problem if a woman wants to become pregnant.  

Beer and pregnancy complications

Even if you quit drinking drinks containing even small doses of alcohol, it will be difficult to get pregnant due to the fact that the external influx of hormones has stopped, and there are not enough own hormones for the normal conception and bearing of a baby. Even if it is possible to become pregnant, then in about 35% of cases a frozen pregnancy develops. That is, the fetus at some stage simply stops developing, and then dies. In addition to a frozen pregnancy, a woman drinking beer can face such dangers as placental abruption and premature birth. In addition, the harm of beer for women is that it contributes to the appearance of obesity in the beautiful half of humanity.

Obesity and cellulite

The beer itself is low in calories, but has the ability to dramatically stimulate the appetite. Therefore, together with beer, a woman can eat as much as she would not have eaten in a normal situation. Plus, beer is seized by salty snacks, which cause excess salt to settle in the body. And this, in turn, affects weight, and also causes cellulite, makes the face swell. The harm of beer for women is that it stimulates the growth of connective tissue in the ovaries, which can provoke the appearance of a cyst or tumor. Beer is especially harmful for nursing mothers, because it is transmitted to children through breast milk. Statistics say that among drinking moms, children are twice as likely to suffer from epilepsy and seizures. That is why you need to avoid drinking this drink in large quantities, thinking not only about your health, but also about the health of future children. 

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