Why is female alcoholism spreading?

Statistics show that over the past couple of years, the number of women who drink excessive amounts of alcohol has increased. What leads to the ever-increasing craving of women for alcohol?

The result of a sociological survey showed that over the past three decades, the number of representatives of the beautiful sex, gravitating towards excessive drinking, has risen from eight percent to twenty-five percent. Sociologists have identified several causes of female alcoholism that are characteristic of modern women.

One of the main reasons for the development of craving for alcoholic beverages, experts consider, oddly enough, female loneliness and lack of satisfaction in life. In second place, according to the authors of the study, is the impossibility of a woman to realize herself in modern reality. In other words, a woman is not satisfied with the position in society that she occupies, not satisfied with her social status and salary, etc. In third place are reasons related to emotional distress and upheavals, for example, divorce, which becomes more and more every year, or family conflicts. 

Among other factors in the development of modern female alcoholism, experts pointed out the use of alcohol “in spite of others”, as well as collective drunkenness, that is, when women consume large amounts of alcohol in the company of friends.

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