Having a genetic predisposition to alcoholism, a person can be a teetotaler

A group of researchers from different countries was able to identify a gene involved in the development of alcoholism. The researchers say they have made significant advances in understanding the genetic mechanisms that influence a person’s alcohol consumption. Since 2007, work has been under way to compile materials that would give a complete picture of how environmental and genetic factors affect alcohol dependence and related problems. The study involved 48,000 volunteers who gave genetic samples.

The gene responsible for differences in alcohol consumption is called AUTS2. According to the researchers, it is not one gene that is responsible for alcoholism, but several groups that by themselves do not push a person to excessive alcohol consumption, but when combined, increase the risk of a person developing alcoholism. A person’s lifestyle, family, friends and outside social influences also play an important role. That is, with a person’s genetic predisposition to alcoholism, he may not become an alcoholic, since it is largely psychological factors that push him to such behavior.

These studies are important for expanding the understanding of the genetic mechanisms that govern humans and are involved in the formation of various disorders. Also, the environment in which a person lives helps to understand many mechanisms for the development of preferences and behavior. They can reduce or exacerbate the risk of developing alcoholism in people who are genetically susceptible to it. This research has far-reaching prospects in terms of developing targeted and preventive interventions for the genetic and behavioral structure of people at risk.

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