Russian business women gravitate towards alcoholism

The more a Russian woman gives to her work, the more often she encounters the problem of alcoholism. According to the statistics of narcology clinics, even a decade and a half ago, there was only one woman for every ten men suffering from alcoholism. At the moment, the number of women and men who visit narcologists is almost the same. 

Russian business women are increasingly subject to a latent form of alcoholism. Deep drinking is not typical for them. Business women drink alcohol in the evening after work, as a rule, alone with themselves, giving preference to wines, cocktails or beer.

Experts believe that the main reason for female alcoholism lies in the inability to relieve fatigue and stress accumulated during the working day. Narcologists believe that if a woman has a strenuous and difficult job, then she usually becomes the main source of family income, accordingly, borrows the type of behavior typical of a man. And men often get away from their problems and relax with the help of alcohol.

A dysfunctional personal life, for which there is no time left, and loneliness provokes the desire to drink. But business women often do not have a family.

The female body is much more resistant to alcohol than the male. Therefore, latent alcoholism may not be reflected negatively at work for a long time.

It is a real courage for a woman to turn to a specialist with her problem. As a rule, the impetus for going to a narcologist becomes the inability to control the amount of alcohol consumed more.

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