Symptoms of beer alcoholism

The symptoms of beer alcoholism can be compared to signs of abuse of other alcohol. Differences are only in the type of drink consumed, the time of dependence formation and the patient’s attention to it. 

An increase in the body’s tolerance to beer develops in the blink of an eye. It usually starts with a few bottles of regular beer. First, a person drinks every two days, then every day. After a certain time, the amount of beer starts to seem insufficient, it starts to increase. With a severe course of beer alcoholism, patients can drink up to ten liters of beer per day. Beer alcoholism, as a rule, is not characterized by hard drinking, but consists in drinking beer regularly throughout the day. Serious intoxication is rare, but in this case, beer is consumed continuously for several weeks or months. Enlightenment from intoxication is extremely rare.

The symptoms of beer alcoholism are the destruction of mental activity, disruption of the functioning of systems and organs. The most common symptoms of beer alcoholism are heart degeneration, enlarged liver, and overweight.

Patients with beer alcoholism tend to look worse than people who abuse vodka. Patients have a lot of excess weight, dark circles under the eyes, breathe noisily, the face becomes bluish. The symptoms of beer alcoholism in such people are on the face – difficulty breathing, pain in the lower back, dysfunction of the pancreas, high blood sugar, which is evidenced by the persistent smell of acetone. Quite often, in such patients, erection and the ability to conceive a child are greatly reduced or completely absent. In the case of beer alcoholism, testosterone secretion begins to be suppressed in men. As a result of the reduction in the production of the main male sex hormone in men suffering from beer alcoholism, the chest begins to develop, the pelvic bones expand, and overweight is gained.

A distinctive symptom of beer alcoholism is a clear psychological dependence on beer. This dependence is often more powerful than in the case of dependence on vodka. It is precisely this characteristic that prevents a person from refusing beer, even if the harm of this drink is on the face.

By the way, people suffering from beer addiction prefer to drink very strong beers and in exorbitant doses.

The problem of drinking beer by persons under the age of majority deserves a separate discussion. Russian legislation prohibits the sale of drinks to minors. And the adoption of this law is not an accident. The bottom line is that the body of a young person is much more susceptible to various poisonous toxins, which include alcohol. When teenagers and children drink beer, dependence on this drink begins to arise much earlier, much more serious complications and disruptions in the functioning of internal organs and systems arise. In addition, taking into account the mental immaturity of minors, it can be assumed that they have no consciousness of their dependence at all. Namely, awareness of the problem is the key to effective treatment.

The problem of underage drinking is negatively influenced by the modern tendency to drink beer even without a reason or occasion. A great responsibility in this sense lies with the creators of beer advertising, the sellers of this drink, who put their income above the problem of the “lost generation”. Among minors, in turn, the opinion is spread that since beer is not an alcoholic drink, then you can drink it as much as you like. Teenagers are also encouraged to drink beer by the desire to look older than their age.

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