How to recover from a long binge?

Vomiting, hiccups, headaches, nightmares, exacerbation of chronic ailments, a swollen face. In severe cases, convulsions or poisoning to such an extent that the body itches. The body tolerates hard drinking, and getting…

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How can you sober up quickly?

After any holiday where you had to drink a lot of alcohol, in the morning, many people feel uncomfortable. Most of them, who are especially heavy on alcohol, even after a…

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Artificial alcohol will save alcoholics

The latest development of British scientists is artificial alcohol, which allows a person to drink without consequences. Unnatural alcohol also promotes relaxation and intoxication, but unlike real alcohol, it does not…

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Absinthe has no psychotropic effect

The most popular alcoholic drink of the French artistic intelligentsia of the early twentieth century, absinthe, as it turned out, does not have a psychotropic effect. The popularity of absinthe,…

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Future alcoholics love sweets

Scientists from the United States of America have found thatfuture alcoholics and people prone to depression love sweets most of all . The researchersmade a number of assumptions that they decided to test. Sweets…

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